2023 Charter Night Banquet

The St. Lawrence Branch UELAC will be hosting its annual Charter Night Banquet on September 16th at St. Matthew’s Presbyterian Church, 15 Memorial Square, Ingleside. Social hour will begin at 5:00pm and the meal will be served at 6:00pm.

It will be a ham supper with all the fixings and will feature a presentation by Roy Lewis, who has been part of the UELAC for over 30 years and has served on both the Col. Edward Jessup Branch and Central East Regional executive committees.

Tickets are $30 per person, advance sales only. If you are interested in attending, email Secretary Darlene Fawcett at dmfawcett@ripnet.com. E-transfers can be sent to Treasurer Michael Eamer at eamermc@yahoo.com. When sending an e-transfer, please include a note in the “Message” box stating that you are purchasing a ticket for the dinner. An email will be sent to confirm receipt of money, and the tickets will be set aside. Tickets must be reserved by September 4th.

As always, there will be a Harvest Basket raffle at the end of the night. If you are interested in contributing to the basket, please contact Darlene Fawcett.

We hope to see you there!