London & Western Ontario Branch
United Empire Loyalists
An organization for History Buffs and Descendants of Loyalists whose ancestors fled to Canada prior to 1783 after the War of Independence when the 13 Colonies separated from Britain

Fled United States of America 1775-1784
Over 3 million Canadians are Loyalist descendants
Are you a descendant of a United Empire Loyalist?
Canada’s First Refugees To escape prosecution, 40,000 Loyalists fled the 13 Colonies by ship to the Maritimes, or travelled north to parts of Quebec or the north shore of the St. Lawrence River and into Upper Canada.
We are interested. Tell us what you know about your Loyalist Ancestor

Meet Vanessa, our
Branch Genealogist
Raised in a family of genealogists, it is little wonder Vanessa caught the bug in her teens. This passion in her own heritage drew her to the UEL Association in 1983, when after a few months she became Branch Genealogist at the Bay of Quinte Branch. From 1986 – 1991 Vanessa served as the Dominion Genealogist for all branches of UEL in Canada. Vanessa has nine Loyalist ancestors and is always happy to help others find their roots.
Proving your Loyalist Ancestry
Here is more information as to the steps involved in proving your Loyalist Ancestry
The Application Process
If you have a question about obtaining your certificate, then send an email to Vanessa
A Practice Descendant Form
Try it out. Print this blank form and enter all the names that go back to your Loyalist ancestor.
Some Interesting Genealogical sites
A collection of on-line websites that may assist you to prove your Loyalist ancestors
an opportunity
Consider joining London & Western Ontario Branch
UEL is an organization of descendants of Loyalists who came to Canada after persecution as a result of the American War of Independence

Proving your Loyalist Ancestry
- For those interested in family genealogy
- Prove you are related to a Loyalist
- Our Branch Genealogist can assist
- Receive your Loyalist Certificate
History Buffs
- Regular meetings
- For those interested American Revolution era
- Meet with like minded people
What members say

Gerry Tordiff
I joined in 1986, and what London & Western Ontario branch of UEL offered me over the years was a friendly environment where like minded people can meet and learn. The bonus is that we are often learning historical background related to our own ancestors. “How good is that!”

Ted Smith UE
I started attending UEL meetings over 20 years ago to find out the history of my UEL ancestor’s migration to Canada. The Branch UEL Genealogist was most helpful in assisting me to research and document my ancestors’ historical facts when I applied for my three UEL certificates

Thomas Heit UE
I am an American from Iowa USA. In 1776, my 5th Great Grandfather, Rev Jonathan Ashley, was a Loyalist living in Deerfield MA. His son Jonathan Jr. was imprisoned, because he would not swear an oath to the patriot cause.
As a Loyalist descendant, I applied and received my certification from the United Empire Loyalists of Canada -London Branch. I would encourage others who are descendants of UE Loyalists. It is an rewarding exercise in genealogy, worth pursuing. Read more about my family