London-Western Ontario United Empire Loyalist Association

Register for meeting

"Count us in -we're attending"

Sign up min. 4 days prior to event
It sure helps when we know who is attending

Upcoming meetings & events

Saturday April 6, 2024 Middlesex Centre Archives Heritage Fair

June Klassen -It is with regret we announce the passing of our dear past president June on July 8, 2024.  Over the years June was extremely active in our London & Western Ontario branch .  Her obituary will be posted in the “Member Passings” section of our website.  June recently celebrated her 90th birthday, with a party in April

Interested in Middlesex County Heritage?

Help wanted

Our organization thrives on Volunteers

In 2023 London & Western Ontario Branch celebrates 50 years. We are looking for one or two members to help organize a suitable celebration.

We are searching for another person to join our Board of Directors.  Consider volunteering.

It is always important to promote membership in UEL.  You can help.  Start by sending our website address link to three different friends.  Now send it to three different relatives.  Ask them to join.  That wasn’t difficult.  Thanks for helping.

Come on People -VOLUNTEER Email Carol -say you will help

Mark your calendar -Coming event

The war of 1812

The period after the war of independence was a time of upheaval.  This interesting You Tube video expands on this period of history.  You may enjoy.  Click below.

Gerry & Bob Tordiff in 1988

Our Board of Directors 2024

President              Carol Childs UE  

Vice President     Jim Waines UE

Secr/Treasurer    Jim Stewart UE          

Membership         Stewart Smith

Genealogist          Venessa Warner UE

Archivist               Ted Smith UE

Historian               Greg Childs

Education & Outreach   Linda Steele  UE