London-Western Ontario United Empire Loyalist Association

Proving your Loyalist Ancestry

Who were considered Loyalists?

They were residents of the American Colonies who joined the Royal Standard, supporting King George III, prior to the Treaty of Separation

Other considered Loyalists were those who were persecuted, their land confiscated and who fled the USA for a territory remaining under British rule, demonstrating their loyalty

A soldier who served in an American Loyalist regiment and disbanded in Canada

Members of the Six Nations of either the Grand River or Bay of Quinte reserves, who migrated to Canada

Proving your Loyalist Ancestry

Anyone with Loyalist ancestry can document this ancestry by applying for a Loyalist certificate.

Our Branch Genealogist will provide an application form plus give you any guidance.

Once one family member has proven their ancestry, it is easy for other family members to reference this first certificate and also obtain their certificates

Rewards for documenting your Loyalist Ancestry

Apart from the satisfaction of completing the task, obtaining your UEL certificate is a rewarding achievement

It is an opportunity to connect with other descendants from the same Loyalist

Some members document and receive certificates for three or four different Loyalist ancestors

Members who prove their Loyalist ancestry, can use the post-nominal letters, “UE”, after their name (The Unity of Empire).  UE is Canada’s only hereditary title

UEL Certificate Application

The application process

Branch Genealogist, Vanessa, will email you an application

Documenting your Loyalist lineage, from one generation to the next, requires some genealogy research.  The fun part!

Each generation will require proof of descendancy, working your way back to your original UEL ancestor who came to Canada.

Send the completed form & documentation to Vanessa who will review your application at the branch.

As a last step, your application will be sent to the Dominion Genealogist for final review before issuing your certificate.

Acceptable proof of descendancy

Primary source documents are birth, baptism, marriage and death certificates.

Also wills and probates that state family relationships.  Church, cemetery or gravestones can prove descendancy.

Copies of land petitions or grants given to Loyalists and their sons and daughters.

As an alternative,  secondary sources may be used; such as newspaper articles, obituaries, family bible records, biographical sketches or family histories.

In addition, census records that connect parents and children living in the same house are all reasonable proof of relationships.