Archives and Artefacts
The Vancouver Branch received its Charter on October 6th, 1932. The elected executive were Prof. Walter Noble Sage, as President, and Miss Bessie Choate, chair of the Ladies' Committee, as 1st Vice President. It became inactive on the outbreak of war, 1939; re-activating in 1967, centennial of Canadian Confederation.

Vancouver Branch Commemorative Plate
(Click here for high resolution)
For Branching Out reports from past issues of the Loyalist Gazette, click here.
Here is a snippet of the information from the 2nd entry of the early Minutes:
1933 November n October 6th, 1932.
"The Vancouver Branch was formally organized, the meeting being held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kirk. It was very well attended and after the election of officers, Colonel W. S. Buell, U.E., gave a most interesting address on the founding of the City of Brockville and its historical association with his family. This paper commenced the initial collection for official records of this kind by the Branch. In November the meeting was held at the home of His Honour Judge and Mrs. T. A. Forin, when the address of the evening was presented by Professor M.Y. Williams, his subject being "Original Settlers of Prince Edward County, Ontario." The January meeting was held at the home of the President, Professor and Mrs. W. N. Sage. Dr. Dudley J. Bell gave a descriptive paper on the "Early Settlers of New Brunswick." Professor Sage addressed the February meeting, which was held at the home of Rev. Professor and Mrs. H. R. Trumpour. The President spoke on the "American Revolution." In March the monthly meeting was held at the home of Colonel and Mrs. W. S. Buell when a paper was read by Miss B. P. Choate on "The Pre-Revolutionary Influences in the New England Colonies." A dinner in commemoration of the 150th Anniversary of the first landing of the Loyalists at St. John, was held on May 18th. in the Spanish Grill of the Hotel Vancouver. Seventy-one Loyalists and their friends O O participated and the whole affair was a great success, particularly as it was the first attempt of the new Branch to hold anything of this sort. It was most opportune that this occasion should have marked the twilight celebration of the Pacific Province, begun so early in the morning by the wonderful commemoration in the Province of New Brunswick. The interest which has developed during the year is a wonderful stimulant to any 'effort on the part of the Executive to strengthen the organization. Letters have been received from practically every part of the Province enquiring (sic) as to the organization and what would constitute membership. Our list of membership now stands at thirty-five, with an additional list of nearly sixty whose applications will be passed. Meetings for the ensuing year have already commenced and further success is looked forward to during this season."
In 2010, the Archive Committee, composed then of Vancouver Branch President Wendy Cosby UE, Vancouver Branch Past President, Mary Anne Bethune UE and Vancouver Branch Vice President, Carl Stymiest UE approached The City of Vancouver Archives to see if they would house our history of branch documentation. After several meetings, two City archivists visited the Vancouver Branch to see our holdings and said that they were very interested in procuring this part of Vancouver's history and heritage.The Books form the Branch Collection were another matter, and that is described on the Library Page on our website.
Certain documentation. i.e. UE Certificate Applications (1932-2009) are to remain marked "PRIVATE" in accordance with the Federal Government Privacy Laws as well as that of our Nation Association, the United Empire Loyalists' Association of Canada. The UE Certificate Applications are only view-able by the present Branch President, the present Branch Genealogist and the present Branch Archivist. This is for Reference purposes only!
Other documents, ephemera, photographs, Minutes, Membership Lists are available to any branch member who SHOW their Vancouver Branch Membership Card for the current year. The City of Vancouver Archives is located at 1150 Chestnut St, Vancouver, BC V6J 3J9 ;Phone: 604-736-8561; E-Mail:

Commemorative Holland Society –
Queen Whilihima Ribbon Medallion
(Click here for high resolution)
Other Archival Documentation and Ephemera:
At present, the Vancouver branch does house privately, historical ephemera and documentation; some kept in our storage locker for Special Events, and the Spring & Fall Fleet Celebrations. Such items include:
- The Flags of the Branch and the Association,
- Commemorative Plates,
- Photograph Albums,
- Portrait of HRH, Queen Elizabeth II,
- BC Loyalist Annual Day Proclamation (July 22);
- City of Vancouver Proclamations recognizing Loyalist Day/Loyalist Week in British Columbia,
- Engraved plaques,
- Phillip Leith Volunteer Memorial Award (established 2007),
- Phillip Leith Medallions,
- Period Clothing and Patterns for the mid-late 1700s,
- UELAC mugs,
- Event Tent,
- Display panels and materials.
The Branch Archivist has in his possession UE Applications dating from 2010-2017 which still need to be digitized before depositing into the City of Vancouver archives repository for preservation and safe keeping. As officers change, it is imperative that these materials be protected and preserved as part of the Heritage of the UELAC Vancouver Branch.
If you have any questions, please fee free to contact Carl Stymiest at