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Loyalist Celebrations 2006 The branch took part in the annual Loyalist's Church Service at Trinity Church here in Saint John on Sunday morning May 14th, the service was attended by several members of the Branch dressed in period clothing, the group was paraded to the front of the church led by branch member Flag barer branch genealogist Albert Button, our branch members Nadine Bolton and President Jim Mckenzie did the readings for the service.
Mrs. Albert Button UE and Mr. Button attend Church Services
at Trinity on May 14, 2006. Both serve the NB Branch, Albert as Genealogist
and Betty as head of the Telephone Committee. The branch hosted our Annual Loyalist's Day Celebration on May 18th commemorating the landing of our Loyalist Ancestors on that date here in Saint John 223 years ago in 1783. The event was well attended for the greeting of the His Worship Mayor Norm MacFarlane, official flag raising ceremony at city hall, singing of "God Save the Queen" lead by the beautiful voice of Ruth Lesbriel, and a few short speeches and acknowledgement of the various dignitaries present. Members of DeLancey's Brigade stand at City Hall Plaza with a group of elementary school children. 2nd Delancey's Brigade lead the gathering from the steps
of City Hall across the street to Loyalist Plaza and Loyalist Rock, where
our loyalist ancestors actually stepped ashore in mass on that day 223
years ago. The gathering assembled there to hear greetings from our President
Jim McKenzie, His Worship Mayor Norm MacFarlane and former branch president
and member The Honorable Trevor Holder Provincial Minister of the Environment
and MLA for Saint John Portland riding. We were lead in singing one verse
of "My Own Canadian Home" by Ruth Lesbriel. The annual practice
of laying the potted geraniums (the official Flower of Saint John) continued
this year with the various political and civic dignitaries doing the honours.
The three Elementary Schools Glen Falls, St. Patrick and M. Gerald Teed
were represented in costume, Glen Falls School performed a wonderful skit
relating to the Loyalist's and also won the prize of $100.00 for having
the most students present in costume. The official conclusion of our annual
ceremony was effected with the singing of "O-Canada".
One of several classes of elementary school children who participated in Loyalist Day celebrations.
The City Of Saint John celebrates its birthday on May 18th each year, the gathering was invited to take part in celebrating this 221st birthday (the first City in Canada) by sharing in the huge birthday cake which His Worship Mayor Norm MacFarlane, and Former MP for Saint John Elsie Wayne and Bernie Cormier Cultural Affairs Officer for the City cut and served indoors aof the Atrium of Market Square. The Birthday was further celebrated by an official 21 gun salute performed at noon high atop Fort Howe by the 3rd NB Field Regiment (the oldest artillery regiment in the country).
The Loyalist House was also opened to the public in honour
of the day with the local chapter of the IODE and Dennis Knibb of the
NB Historical Society hosting a lunch of tea, coffee, sandwiches and sweets
... As well, the NB Museum also helped us celebrate and highlight International
Museum Day by having free admission all day, where the had special stories
and loyalist activities through out the day.