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"Loyalist Trails" 2005-35 October 23, 2005


The New Loyalist Index, Vol. 4 by Pail J. Bunnell now available

(Includes Massachusetts Loyalists, Free African Slaves, and Other Loyalists.)

There are a large number of Black Loyalists in this latest issue, plus many other Loyalists, including those from Massachusetts and other areas. This volume is slightly different, being spiral bound soft cover to help keep the cost affordable. Order your copy todayfrom the author; Paul J. Bunnell, UE, 45 Crosby St., Milford, NH 03055. Approximately 180 pages, $19 (US) plus $3.75 S/H. (Order the PDF File over the net and save shipping cost) We accept PayPal, check or money order. I can also can accept Canadian checks or money orders for $21 plus $4 S/H (Can). Email: Website:

...Paul Bunnell, UE

The Loyalist Rose-Registration Query

The search for proof of the registration of UELAC's Loyalist Rose continues. Our Education information ( page 13, Handbook…) credits Ethel Macleod with the registration in 1976. One researcher acknowledges the "great confusion that Ethel Macleod registered the rose with the International Registrar in 1976, but the document makes it quite unclear what rose was registered. Since there was already a rose by that name in commerce, the Registrar would not have allowed the name to be used, and they certainly would not have allowed 'Maiden's Blush' to be renamed in any such way…It is not the same rose as 'Maiden's Blush', although it is considered to be from the same class, the Albas." Ashdown Nurseries in Campobello, South Carolina has a light pink Loyalist rose in its catalogue and credits John Cameron with its introduction to North American in 1773.

Our Handbook description says that "The Loyalist Rose has a cupped, double, very fragrant flower ranging in colour from a pale pink to almost white.) Duff Mitchell of Ottawa, in his quest to find more information on the Registration has brought to my attention to Kent Britt's article The Loyalists in Vol 146 No. 4 National Geographic published in April 1975. There on page 522 is a picture of a very pink Loyalist rose which "grows in the garden of Mrs. Ethel Macleod of Willowdale, Ontario. Her forbear John Cameron first brought the Maiden's Blush rose from Scotland to New York's Mohawk Valley in 1773. Three years later he trekked, with cuttings in his baggage, 230 miles to the safety of Canada."

The Royal Botanical Garden in Hamilton has a Maiden's Blush rose in its heritage garden but cannot find any papers that lead to a registration of the name Loyalist rose. If there is anyone from the seventies period that can assist with the details regarding this registration, Duff and I would be pleased.

...Fred H. Hayward, UE, Chairman, Education/Outreach UELAC {fhhayward AT idirect DOT com} how do I email him?

Died this day, Richard John Uniacke, 1830

From the Globe & Mail:

Lawyer and politician born on Nov. 22, 1753, at Castletown, Ireland. Arriving in Nova Scotia as a young man, he got into trouble for being sympathetic to the American colonists' cause of independence and packaged his bags for home. In Ireland, he gained recognition as a lawyer and in 1781 he was named solicitor-general of N.S., where he also ran a thriving legal practice. In 1784, he was made advocate general of the Vice-Admiralty Court, a post that made him rich. At the same time, he also secured a seat in the colonial legislature and by 1797 was named attorney-general. In 1808 he was appointed to the elitist Council of Twelve that advised the governor. A man of divisive politics, he prolonged social dissension in Nova Scotia but was one of the first colonial leaders to envision Confederation.

A Note from Doug

Nancy and I were privileged to be guests of Little Forks and Sir John Johnson Branches in the Eastern Townships of Quebec, and Toronto Branch over the last ten days. Wonderfully hosted, we enjoyed meeting branch members and guests from as far afield as Florida, hearing about and seeing branch projects, and sharing some of the activities of other branches and the UELAC. Thanks to all of you in those branches, and other branches we have visited over the last year or so.

On Saturday October 22, the Fall Council Meeting of the UELAC brought more than 30 people from across the country, BC to NB, together in Toronto where we discussed a number of proposals and made decisions on several.

With such strong participation, I think the UELAC, and the branches, are in good hands for a long while to come.


Legal issues after the revolution

I am writing a novel set in Kentucky in 1800. Kentucky became a state in 1792, previously it had been part of Virginia. One set of characters are a Virgina family who were divided during the war - half Patriot, half Loyalist.

Is it likely that the property belonging to the Loyalists would have been seized during or after the war? And could the Patriot members of the family have been the beneficiaries of that seizure, or would it have gone to the state? Furthermore: after the war, if one of the Patriots made a bequest to one of the Loyalists in his will, could the Loyalist return to enforce the provisions? Or, if the patriarch died intestate, could the Loyalist son return to press his claim?

Any help you can give would be greatly appreciated.

...Marie Meyer, Bristol, England {meyer DOT marie AT gmail DOT com} how do I email her?

Request for a Paper Loyalist Flag

My current project plan is to create scrapbooks of each of my Loyalist ancestors and their descendants. I would like to have stickers of the Loyalist flag.

I'm looking for the George III flag. The size isn't too significant as I can increase the size on the computer. However, small jpg's won't do, as the disintegrate (pixilate) when enlarged. If stickers, maybe twice the size of a commemorative postage stamp would do very nicely. Again, that doesn't matter significantly as the intended use is in several scrapbooks.

I would think there are others who are now into scrapbooking and could use these same items. My intent in doing these books is to create heirlooms.

...Joyce Stevens, Col John Butler Branch {YankeeDD AT twmi DOT rr DOT com} how do I email her?

To protect the people who send in queries from unwanted spam email, the online edition of Loyalist Trails no longer uses direct hyperlinks for their email addresses. Simply rewrite "name AT website DOT net" as and sent your email to that address. For example, "doug DOT grant AT insurance-canada DOT ca" is Contact Doug with questions, or to be put in touch with someone whose email address is not listed.