For Further Information

There are many excellent books on the Loyalists generally. Many of these may be found listed on the website of The United Empire Loyalists’ Association of Canada (U.E.L.A.C.)

On the Loyalists of Quebec in particular, reference works include: The Loyalists of Quebec 1774-1825. A Forgotten History (published by Heritage Branch of The U.E.L.A.C., 1989); The Loyalists of The Eastern Townships of Quebec (published by the Sir John Johnson Centennial Branch of The U.E.L.A.C., 1984); and A.D. Flowers, Loyalists of the Bay Chaleur, 1973. There is also Mrs. C.M. Day, History of the Eastern Townships, Province of Quebec, Dominion of Canada: civil and descriptive, published by J. Lovell, Montreal in 1869, and reprinted by Mika Publishing Co., Belleville, Ontario, in 1989. For the current UELAC list of suggested books for the classroom including historical fiction go to

Information on the Loyalists is also available on many websites, including: - The website of the On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies. It provides in-depth information for students trying to find out more about the Loyalist regiments. - The website of “The Global Gazette”, an on-line family history magazine. The site features good source of articles on the Loyalists. -
- A Canadian military heritage project. - The website of Canadian Heritage Gallery. A good history site, providing background information on the British Empire and the American Revolution, including pages on “The Question of Quebec” and “The Loyalists and Their Heritage”.
The website for Township Heritage Web Magazine; Editor, Matthew Farfan.
The Gaspesian British Heritage Village, New Richmond, Quebec.
Canada’s Heirloom Series, volume 3, chapter 4, “The Coming of the Loyalists” is part of the on-line educational materials on Canadian history made available by Canada’s Digital Collections, a project of Industry Canada. This site deals primarily with the Loyalists who settled beginning in 1784, in what was then the western portion of the old Province of Quebec, now Ontario. - The website of the Black Loyalist Heritage Society, established in 1999 in Birchtown, Shelburne County, Nova Scotia. Birchtown was the principal location in Nova Scotia where some 3500 Black Loyalists who had fought for the Crown during the American Revolution settled after 1783, and from which some 1200 later departed to found a colony in Sierra Leone. Many descendants of the Black Loyalists are proud citizens of this historic municipality. The Society has also contributed to Canada’s Digital Collections. - The website of the Quebec Historical Corps, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting a better understanding of 18th century military and civilian life in North America. The website features detailed information on four military reenactment groups, one of which is Captain Henry Ruiter’s Third Company of King’s Rangers, recreating a Loyalist unit which operated in New York and other New England colonies during the American Revolutionary War.