VIII What Kind of People Were the Quebec Loyalists?

Philipsburg United Church - The first Methodist church in the Eastern Townships 1819
Philipsburg United Church - The first Methodist church in the Eastern Townships 1819

The greater part of those resident around Missisquoi Bay were farmers, but also present were former army officers and some prosperous entrepreneurs. All in this area settled on territory belonging to English seigneurs who permitted them to hold land for nominal fees. Those who settled at Sorel, which was intended as a military colony, were mostly former soldiers, while in the Gaspé, as at Missisquoi Bay, farmers predominated with a few fairly prosperous entrepreneurs also being present.

Many of the Sorel Loyalists, dissatisfied with the land there, later petitioned for grants in the Eastern Townships and moved to that area after 1791. In Gaspé, where there were already some English-speaking residents (largely fishermen from the Channel Islands between England and France), the Loyalists settled around New Carlisle. Today, the British Heritage Centre in New Richmond commemorates the contributions of both the Channel Islanders and the Loyalists to the development of Gaspesia.

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