VI Where Did They Settle?

A West View of Sorel, ca 1784
A West View of Sorel, ca 1784
National Archives of Canada/C-002005 Artist: James Peachey

About half the 80,000 Loyalist refugees went to the remaining British North American provinces, 30,000 settling in the Maritimes, while the rest, including the loyal Mohawks, came to Quebec, which then included what is now Ontario.

Most Loyalists originally settled in present-day Quebec, but subsequently were moved west of the Ottawa River to present-day Ontario, where Crown lands were surveyed and granted to them by the government, which favoured their settlement there.

Loyalist Mosaic: A Multi Ethnic Heritage, Joan Magee, Dundurn Press, 1984, pg. 115

Loyalist Mosaic: A Multi Ethnic Heritage, Joan Magee, Dundurn Press, 1984, pg. 115




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