
To commemorate the centennial of the passing on May 27, 1914 by the Parliament of the Dominion of Canada of an act creating the United Empire Loyalist Association of Canada, the Calgary branch published two compilations.

The United Empire Loyalists: Alberta Bound

Compiled by Linda McClelland, U.E.

The book contains a summary of the history of British North America from 1763 to 1867 and Settlement of South and South-Central Alberta with input from Loyalist descendants.

To order use the following link.


Alberta Bound Voices of Loyalist Descendants

Compiled by Linda McClelland, U.E.

This book contains a history of the Calgary Branch of the UELAC and Voices of Calgary Branch Loyalist Descendants.

Please contact the executive for a paper or CD copy.

For the 100th anniversary the History of the UELAC and its branches was published.

Loyally Yours 100

For more information see the following link.

A copy can be obtained by contacting the branch executive.