Our Ancestors

Tombstone of Jacob Comfort, son of Robert Comfort;
Lane Cemetery, Section B, Row 20, #7, St Ann's,
Gainsborough Township, Lincoln County, Ontario.
This tombstone links two generations by stating the
relationship of Jacob to his father Robert. Information
captured at the time of an event (like Jacob’s burial),
is considered primary documentation.
(Click here for high resolution)
Documenting your Lineage
Branch members do a great deal of genealogical research to document their lineage to their Loyalist ancestor(s).
Acceptable proofs of lineal descent that can be used to link each generation to the next include:
- Wills that state a family relationship
- Birth, baptism, marriage and death certificates that have names of parents
- Vital statistics registrations showing family connections
- Church records or cemetery records that show family connections
- Census records that list family connections of children with parents, etc
- Dated newspaper articles that give family connections
- Copies of land petitions or grants to Loyalists and their sons or daughters.
Our genealogist can provide some assistance when a roadblock is reached. For information about our resource and research library, please visit our library page.
Branch members can get a copy of the Certificate application, instructions and fee, from Linda Nygard, linda_nygard@telus.net.
Please note, you must be a member in good standing of the branch to access this 100% volunteer service. Members also help each other with the research.
Please view the UELAC Policy and Procedure on the Protection of Personal Information