The Phillip E. M. Leith Memorial Award
About Phillip E.M. Leith | Gravesite | About the Award
Past Recipients | Nomination Form | Leave a Legacy | Ceremony Photos

Phillip E. M. Leith (undated photo)
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Honoured Benefactor of the UELAC
Phillip E.M. Leith, DFC, CMH, UE, MSc, BSA, BComm
With an ancestry that can be traced for more than 700 years, it's easy to understand how Phillip Edward Meric Leith, UE, became one of the most significant patrons of the United Empire Loyalist Association of Canada.
A fourth generation ancestor of Samuel Ryerse, UE, who served in the New Jersey Volunteers, Leith lived the charmed life of a true Canadian aristocrat. Born in Toronto in 1914, he attended both Upper Canada College and England's prestigious Eton prep school before working for the Royal Bank of Canada in England. He fondly remembered being paid 60 Pounds sterling per year, and being asked to deliver cheques that were worth one million Pounds sterling. "I did not waste any time doing this," he once said.
King George VI awarded Leith the Distinguished Flying Cross by for his service as a flyer and navigational trainer with the RCAF in World War Two.
After the war, Leith earned a BSA and BComm from the University of B.C., and graduated with an MSc from the University of Alberta. His later years were divided between his farm in Scotland and a home in West Vancouver.
In 1994, he created the Phillip Leith UELAC Trust to ensure the future of the Dominion association and upon his passing on Nov. 14, 2006, the Vancouver branch inaugurated the Phillip Leith Memorial Medal to be awarded annually to a person, from the pacific region, as recognition for their outstanding volunteer work on behalf of the association.
Read more in the Spring Issues (2005 and 2007) of the Loyalist Gazette (Vol. XLIII, No. 1, Spring 2005 and Vol. XLV, No. 1, Spring 2007)

Phillip Leith's grave
(Click here for high resolution)
Phillip Edward Meric Leith UE was b. 19 June 1914. Son of Major Thomas Jeffrey Leith [November 7 1883 - July 24 1969, Son of Maj. Thomas Leith & Lady Mary Isabella Dalzell] and Olga Renfrew Schwartz Dau of Edward Schwartz.Brother of Thelma Olga Leith. Educated at Eton College, Windsor, Berkshire, England. Fought in the Second World War. Gained the rank of Squadron Leader in the service of the Royal Canadian Air Force. Decorated with the award of the Distinguished Flying Cross (D.F.C.) in 1942. Graduated in 1949 from University of British Columbia Vancouver British Columbia Canada with a Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com.)and also in 1949 with a Bachelor of Scientific Agriculture (B.S.A.). Graduated in 1952 from University of Alberta Alberta Canada with a Master of Science (M.Sc.).
Joined the RCAF on the 24th of June 1940, and after training was posted to England.
In 2001, Sqd. Ldr. Phillip Edward Meric Leith, D.F.C., C.M.H. [Congressional Medal of Honor], UE, M.Sc., B.S.A., B.Com., was presented with the "Most Honourable Order of Meritorious Heritage." Both Chilliwack and Vancouver Branches of the UELAC recommended him for this award.
His family mottoes, "Trustee to the end" and "NON TIMEO SED CAVEO," which translates to "I fear not but I watch out," sum up his approach to life's challenges.

Phillip E. M. Leith Memorial Award
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The Phillip E. M. Leith Memorial Award
The Phillip E. M. Leith Memorial Award exemplifies Volunteer Excellence, by conferring recognition on recipient(s), and their contribution to the UEL Vancouver Branch and the Association at large.
Exclusive to UEL Pacific Regional membership, this Award salutes the "best in volunteerism" amongst our members within the UELAC.
- Awarded to persons who are members in good-standing in the United Empire Loyalists' Association of Canada; the UEL Vancouver Branch; or any other Regional Branch within the Province of British Columbia.
- Nominees will be individuals who have gone "that extra mile" in their contribtuion to the UEL Vancouver Branch or UEL Regional Branches or to the United Empire Loyalists' Association of Canada at large.
- Nominations for the recipient of this Award to be selected from the Branches of the UEL Pacific Regional Membership.
- Nominations to be submitted to Committee Chair of the Phillip E.M. Leith Memorial Award; UE Vancouver Branch by 28 February yearly.
- UEL Vancouver Branch Committee will formulate Candidate(s) recommendation to the Vancouver Branch Executive.
Presentation to be made at the Annual UE Vancouver Branch Loyalists's Spring Fleet Celebration.
Phillip E. M. Leith Memorial Award Recipients

Past & Present Leith Award
Recipients 2007-2014
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Vancouver Branch inaugurated the Phillip E. M. Leith Memorial Medal in Phillip's memory after his death in November 2006. It is awarded annually to a person from the Pacific Region in recognition of their outstanding volunteer work on behalf of the United Empire Loyalists' Association of Canada.
- 2024 – Donna Barraclough-Little UE & Kirra Little UE, Vancouver Branch
- 2024 – Margaret Strocel, UE, Chilliwack Branch
- 2023 – Sandy Farynuk, UE, Thompson-Okanagan Branch
- 2023 – Wendy Clapp, Victoria Branch
- 2022 – Chris Hay, UE, Chilliwack Branch
- 2022 – Christine Manzer, UE, Vancouver Branch
- 2021 – Betty Compeer, UE, Victoria Branch
- 2021 – Frans Compeer, Victoria Branch
- 2021 – Jan Ouellet, Chilliwack Branch
- 2019 – Karen Borden, UE, Victoria Branch (photos)
- 2019 – Diane Faris, UE, Vancouver Branch (photos)
- 2018 – Alan Reid, UE, Chilliwack Branch (photos)
- 2018 – Aurelie Stirling, UE, Victoria Branch (photos)
- 2017 – Marlene Dance, Chilliwack Branch (photos)
- 2017 – Richard Mackey, UE, Vancouver Branch (photos)
- 2016 – Dr. Peter Warren Wentworth Bell, UE, Vancouver Branch (photo)
- 2015 – Patricia Kelderman, UE, Thompson-Okanagan Branch (photo)
- 2014 – Dr. Gerald Brown, UE, Vancouver Branch (photo)
- 2014 – Maralynn Wilkinson, UE, Victoria Branch (photo)
- 2013 – Catherine Fryer, UE, Victoria Branch
- 2013 – Linda Nygard, UE, Vancouver Branch
- 2012 – Gwen Dumfries, UE, Vancouver Branch
- 2012 – Robert Ferguson, UE, Victoria Branch
- 2011 – Judy Scholz, UE, Chilliwack Branch
- 2011 – Audrey Viken, UE, Vancouver Branch
- 2010 – Mary Anne Bethune, UE, Vancouver Branch
- 2010 – Wilma Saville, UE, Victoria Branch
- 2009 – Rebecca Fraser, UE, Vancouver Branch
- 2009 – Alvin Huffman, UE, Victoria Branch
- 2008 – Peter Moogk, UE, Vancouver Branch
- 2007 – Shirley Dargatz, UE, Chilliwack Branch
- 2007 – Vona Smith, UE, Vancouver Branch
The nomination form is available in PDF and DOCX format.
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