Branch News & Events
News & Events - Upcoming
- June 10, 2023
Notice of 54rd Annual General Meeting
Saturday, 22 June 2024
To be held at the:
The Odd Fellows Lodge
476, chemin Knowlton, Knowlton, QC
Easy parking at the backRegistration: 11:30 am
Luncheon: 12:00 noon
Business Meeting: 1:30 pmA hot luncheon (wine included) will be served courtesy of the Branch.
Please RSVP by Friday June 12th, with:
Adelaide Lanktree: Email
Telephone: (450) 293-6342
orMichel Racicot: Email
Telephone: (450) 260-1736Download a printable PDF copy of announcement.
Past News & Events
- April 2024
Recently, Paul Warner, a member of Hamilton Branch, became a second-branch member of Sir John Johnson. Paul's Loyalist Ancestor is Samuel Wells, who was born in Deerfield, Massachusetts and later in life settled in Brattleboro, Vermont. For years, Paul has been researching the life of Samuel Wells, and in the last few weeks gave a very interesting and informative presentation in Toronto.
Today, Paul is sharing with us, the text of his presentation and the link to the video of this presentation.
Samuel Wells’s collaborator, Luke Knowlton of Newfane, Vermont, also named in the Congress’s 1782 resolution ordering George Washington to arrest them, was the grandfather of Paul Holland Knowlton, for whom—I believe—the village of Knowlton was named.
- June 2023
In Memoriam
This year we lost a dear friend, let us not forget them.
Joan Ruiter Lee UE (1932-2023)
On on 16 June 2023, at the age of 91. Joan, a retired nurse, was a descendant of Loyalist John Ruiter, a lieutenant in the Loyal Rangers Corps, commanded by Major Jessup, and who settled on the shore of Missisquoi Bay, today Saint-Armand, Quebec. Our deepest sympathies to all the Lee family.
- October 21, 2023
Invitation to our Fall Luncheon
Saturday, 21 October 2023
To be held at the:
The Odd Fellows Lodge
476, chemin Knowlton, Knowlton, QC
Easy parking at the backRegistration: 11:30 am
A hot luncheon (wine included) will be served courtesy of the Branch.
To be followed by our guest speaker Matthew Farfan, Quebec Anglophone Heritage Network Executive Director.
His topic: Golden Rule Lodge, Owl's Head, and the Beginnings of Freemasonry in the Eastern TownshipsPlease RSVP by Saturday, 14 October, with:
Adelaide Lanktree: Email
Telephone: (450) 293-6342
orMichel Racicot: Email
Telephone: (450) 260-1736 or cell (514)-919-7213Download a printable PDF copy of announcement.
- June 10, 2023
Notice of 54rd Annual General Meeting
Saturday, 10 June 2023
To be held at the:
The Odd Fellows Lodge
476, chemin Knowlton, Knowlton, QC
Easy parking at the backRegistration: 11:30 am
Luncheon: 12:00 noon
Business Meeting: 1:30 pmA hot luncheon (wine included) will be served courtesy of the Branch.
Please RSVP by Friday June 2nd, with:
Adelaide Lanktree: Email
Telephone: (450) 293-6342
orMichel Racicot: Email
Telephone: (450) 260-1736Download a printable PDF copy of announcement.
- June 16, 2023
Visit of our Honorary President Sir Guy Johnson, 8th Bt of New York and Lady Marie Louise
Friday, 16 June 2023
To be held at the:
Érablière Charbonneau
45, chemin du Sous-Bois Mont-Saint-Grégoire, Québec
Easy parking at the backRegistration: 11:00 am
A few words of welcome: 11:30 am
Buffet Luncheon: 11:45 a.m. – Courtesy of the Branch
Presentation: 1:00 pm
Visit to Sir John Johnson Burial Vault: 2:00 pmA short presentation on the history of the restoration of Sir John Johnson Burial Vault will be given by Michel Racicot.
We are looking forward to meeting our Honorary President, Sir Guy Johnson and Lady Marie Louise. We hope you will be able to join us.
Please RSVP by Friday June 2nd, with:
Adelaide Lanktree: Email
Telephone: (450) 293-6342
orMichel Racicot: Email
Telephone: (450) 260-1736Download a printable PDF copy of announcement which includes driving instructions on page 2.
Sir John Johnson Burial Vault
- June 2022
In Memoriam
This year we lost dear friends, let us not forget them.
Louise Hall UE (1924-2022)
On 10 February 2022, at the age of 97, we lost our dear friend Louise Hall, a descendant of Loyalists Edward Savage and Jeremiah Spencer. A branch member since 1993, Louise was always very active in all the activities of the Branch, especially the education program. For years, she was also our treasurer.
ObituaryPhyllis Buchanan Hamilton UE (1925-2022)
A descendant of Loyalists Daniel Scott, Peter Miller and Garret Sixby, Phyllis Buchanan Hamilton died on 21 March 2022, at 96 years of age. Long time members, Phyllis and her late husband Ken were very involved with the executive of the Branch. Phyllis was our secretary from 1989 to 1997 and from 2001 to 2011. She was also our genealogist in 1998 and 1999.
ObituaryRoderick Charles Riordon UE (1932-2022)
Roderick Charles Riordon passed away on 11 April 2022, age 90. A descendant of Loyalist Lieutenant John Robinson, Rod became a member of our Branch in 2000 and always played an important role in our Branch. In a certain way, he was followed the footsteps of his mother, Ernestine, who was a charter member of the Branch in 1967-68 and our recording secretary in the early 1970s. Rod was vice-president of the Branch for 4 years, before taking the position of president for 5 years.
ObituaryEvelyn Beban Lewis (1921-2022)
Recently, we were also saddened to hear the death of Evelyn Beban Lewis, a very active member of our Branch for more than 30 years. She served as a member of our Board of Directors for 15 years, mainly as secretary and responsible of publicity. Evelyn had to step down as secretary in 2019, due to her health. passed away peacefully on Tuesday, 15 November 2022, at the age of 101.
- June 2022
Notice of 53rd Annual General Meeting
Saturday, 11 June 2022
To be held at the:
La Salle de réception
of the Dépanneur Rouge
483, chemin Knowlton, Knowlton, QC
Easy parking at the backRegistration: 11:30 am
Special Hot Menu: 12:00 noon
Business Meeting: 1:30 pmA hot luncheon (wine included) will be served courtesy of the Branch.
Please RSVP by Wednesday June 8th, with:
Adelaide Lanktree: Email
Telephone: (450) 293-6342
orMichel Racicot: Email
Telephone: (450) 260-1736Payment may be made at the door
Download a printable PDF copy of announcement.
- April 2022
Roderick Charles Riordon, UE (1932-2022) - Sir John Johnson Centennial Branch
It is with deep sadness that we mourn the passing of RODERICK CHARLES RIORDON, UE, a very dear friend and longtime member of Sir John Johnson Centennial Branch. Rod was a descendant of Loyalist Lt John Robinson, of the Loyal American Regiment. He was a very active member of our Branch for more than 20 years, a member of our executive for 15 years and our Branch President from 2007 to 2012. Rod passed away on Thursday, 11 April 2022, at the age of 90. He will be missed.
Our deepest sympathies go out to his son James, our Branch webmaster, and to all the Riordon family.
- February 2022
Louise Hall UE (1924-2022) - Sir John Johnson Centennial Branch
It is with deep sadness that we mourn the passing of LOUISE HALL UE, a very dear friend and longtime member of Sir John Johnson Centennial Branch. Louise was a descendant of Loyalist Jeremiah Spencer and Loyalist Edward Savage. She was a very active member of our Branch since 1993 and our Branch treasurer for many years. Louise passed away on Thursday, February 10, aged 97. She will be missed greatly.
Our deepest sympathy to her sister Adelaide Lanktree UE and to the family.
- November 2021
Message from the President
For a second year in a row, the activities of our Branch have been greatly affected by the pandemic, and for a second year in a row, the board of directors of Sir John Johnson Centennial Branch had to take the decision to postpone our 53rd Luncheon and Annual General Meeting that was originally planned to be held last June. We then looked at the possibility of holding our annual meeting in virtual mode but this solution proved to be quite simply impractical for many of our members and some of our directors.
As sanitary conditions seem to be improving, we tried to organize our general meeting during the fall months. It was to be a face-to-face meeting with a hot meal served at the table. Unfortunately, we once again encountered difficulties and yet again took the decision to postpone this activity until next Spring. We are hoping that physical gatherings will then be safer. You will be informed as soon as new plans are made and it is with great pleasure that you will be invited to participate.
I would like to thank all our members who have remained faithful to our Branch and all those who have joined us in these difficult times. Your support is greatly appreciated. We have now reached the time of the year when you can renew your membership. It can be done directly online at or by mailing your cheque to our membership chair Adelaide Lanktree.
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Let us hope that 2022 will bring better days to all of us
Michel Racicot, President
See the November 2021 Newsletter for more news.
Membership dues: Annual fees for the year 2022 are due by 31 December 2021.
- May 2020
Message from the President
In this time of the COVID-19 pandemic, the executive of Sir John Johnson Centennial Branch has decided to postpone and reschedule at a later date, our 53rd Luncheon and Annual General Meeting that was planned to be held on Saturday 30 May 2020. We believe that it is preferable to postpone this meeting in order to respect the present compulsory health ordinances imposed by the government of Quebec. If possible, we are planning to hold our 2020 Annual General Meeting in the next few months, but for now, we do not know what form it will take. You will be informed when new plans are made and you will then be invited to participate. Meanwhile, please stay safe and I hope we can all enjoy the summer in good health.
Michel Racicot, President
New UELAC Online Membership System
The new UELAC Online Membership System which enables members to join, renew and pay their membership to a UELAC Branch, is available to all members and to those who want to join us. But it is important to remind you that the present branch membership renewal (by cheque and regular mail) continues to be available to all.
See the May 2020 Newsletter for details on how to create your account.
- December 2019
- 30 May: Branch President Michel Racicot participated at the 2019 UELAC Dominion Conference “Capital Calls” hosted by Sir Guy Carleton Branch and held in Gatineau, Qc.
- 6 June: Branch President Michel Racicot attended CIME Haut-Richelieu Annual General Meeting held on site at Mont-Saint-Grégoire, Qc. CIME is the organisation who owns the land where Sir John Johnson Burial Vault is located.
- 8 June: The Branch Annual General Meeting and Luncheon was held in Knowlton, Qc with 30 members and guests participating.
- 3 August: Branch President Michel Racicot was present at the Brome County Historical Society “Night at the Museum” fundraiser gala held at the museum in Knowlton, Qc.
- 14 August: Our Branch Picnic was held at the lovely home of Branch members John and Sharon Taylor in Knowlton, Qc. Fifteen members, including our special guest Anne Redish, VP Central East Region, had a great time.
- 6 October: Branch members Edwina Jenne Bougie UE and Michel Racicot represented the Branch at the Eastern Townships Heritage Fair organized by the Quebec Anglophone Heritage Network and held at the Colby-Curtis Museum in Stanstead, QC.
- 19 October: About 20 members and friends were present at the “Visit in Warden, QC” where our host and branch member Paul Sicard shared with us information about Warden, a village founded by Loyalist Johannes Mock.
- 27 October: Branch members Michel Racicot, Adelaide Lanktree UE and Edwina Jenne Bougie UE attended Heritage Branch UELAC “Meet and Greet’ held at the Black Watch Armoury – Officers’ Mess, in Montreal, QC. Michel Racicot, the speaker at this event, presented “Loyalist Refugees: The Story of the First Settlers in the Eastern Townships”.
Branch Projects:
In addition to maintaining Sir John Johnson Burial Vault and site with the cooperation of CIME Haut-Richelieu, the Branch participated with CIME and the Société de restauration du Patrimoine Johnson (whose Board is composed of only Branch members) in Phase 1 of an archeological dig with the objective of locating the foundations of Sir John Johnson manor house and of his windmill. Phase 2 will take place next summer.
In 2019, our Branch had 53 members and 9 second branch members. We do hope to increase our membership in 2020. Please help us by completing the 2020 membership renewal (page 7) and mailing it with your cheque to our Membership Chair, Adelaide Lanktree UE.
Branch Concerns:
Our main concern still remains increasing our membership and having more members accepting to participate and serve on the Branch executive.
Michel Racicot, President
Heritage Fitch Bay is asking for help
Dear Members and Friends of Sir John Johnson Centennial Branch,
Heritage Fitch Bay is asking for help in restoring St. Mathias Anglican Church built in 1888, in the village of Fitch Bay, QC.The project will see the restoration of St. Matthias Anglican Church, built in 1888, and the refurbishment of its meeting hall, Canon Gustin Hall, both of which will then become a centre for community life.
The church is in urgent need of repair. The foundation must be replaced, flying buttresses restored, the outer walls repainted; a new entrance fashioned. The meeting hall’s front will also be redone to make it wider and more welcoming. Its outer walls need to be repainted and roof replaced.
The project has the backing of the Anglican Diocese of Quebec, the Township of Stanstead, the MRC of Memphrémagog, the community groups of Fitch Bay and Georgeville and citizens throughout the Township. A community-wide fundraising campaign is underway. We are now reaching out across Quebec and Canada.
The Anglican Church congregation will continue to use the church as a place of worship. This means that a heritage building will be used as it was originally intended, as well as serving as a centre for community engagement, making it an active and functional part of our community.
The entire project has multiple benefits for the community. It saves an important part of our Townships history. It contributes substantially to the beautification of the village. And the cost will be primarily met by private donations. The budget for the entire project is $400,000. To date we have raised $170,000 from the community.
In a survey of residents this past summer, a major finding was that people wanted a place to get together because they feel cut off from their fellow citizens, anglophone and francophone alike. They said what they miss the most is having a spirit of community.
Link to Fundraiser Campaign
- April 2018
Notice of 52nd Annual General Meeting
Saturday, 8 June 2019
To be held at the:
La Salle de réception
of the Dépanneur Rouge
483, chemin Knowlton, Knowlton, QC
Easy parking at the backRegistration: 11:30 am
Special Hot Menu: 12:00 noon
Business Meeting: 1:30 pmThe Luncheon is $30.00 (wine included)
Please RSVP by Monday June 3rd, with:
Adelaide Lanktree: Email
Telephone: (450) 293-6342
orMichel Racicot: Email
Telephone: (450) 260-1736Payment may be made at the door
Download a printable PDF copy of announcement.
- April 2018
Winter is finally behind us and summer will soon start showing its colors. It is time to invite you to our 51st Annual General Meeting and Luncheon
Notice of Annual General Meeting
Saturday, June 9, 2018
To be held at the:
Érablière Charbonneau
45, chemin du Sous-Bois Mont-Saint-Grégoire, QuébecRegistration: 11:30 am
Special Cold Buffet Luncheon: 12:00 noon Business Meeting: 1:30 pm
Visit to Sir John Johnson Burial Vault: 2:00 pmThe Luncheon is $20.00 (wine included)
Please RSVP by Wednesday, May 30 with:
Adelaide Lanktree: Email
Telephone: (450) 293-6342
Michel Racicot: Email
Telephone: (450) 260-1736Payment may be made at the door
Download a printable PDF copy of this announcement.
- December 2017
Winter has arrived; this is a good time to look back on our Branch activities in this year.
- 20 May: Branch President Michel Racicot attended the Annual General Meeting of Quebec Anglophone Heritage Network (QAHN) held in Montreal, QC.
- 10 June: Our Branch 50th Luncheon and Annual Meeting, held at the Centre EuroSpa in Saint-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, QC, was attended by 44 members and guests.
- 20 June: Branch President Michel Racicot participated at the UELAC Central East Regional Meeting held in Kingston, ON.
- 5 August: Branch Picnic at the BCHS Museum in Knowlton, QC.
- 15 August: We were guests of the Glengarry, Nor’Westers & Loyalist Museum, in Williamstown, ON.
- 19 August: Past President Gerald Thomas and President Michel Racicot participated at BCHS Gala Fundraiser “Night at the Museum” held in Knowlton, QC.
- 9 September: Roderick Riordon UE and Michel Racicot were invited on the reviewing stand at the Battle of Plattsburgh Parade, in Plattsburgh, NY
- 25 October: Michel Racicot, Evelyn Lewis, Jo-Anne Savage UE and Gerald Thomas represented the Branch at Heritage Branch Charter Night Dinner, in Montreal, QC.
- 6 November: Michel Racicot, Evelyn Lewis, Adelaide Lanktree UE, Louise Hall UE . Edwina Jenne UE and Roderick Riordon UE attended the Canadian Club of the Yamaska Valley’s conference given by Branch member Joanne Croghan, in West Brome, QC.
Branch Projects:
- Upkeep of Sir John Johnson Burial Vault: in addition to maintaini ng the site, we have pre- pared a new interpretative panel about the War of 1812 Ve terans buried inside the vault, panel which will be installed on site next summer . This winter, we intend to prepare and print two informative brochures about the history of the Johnson family and the ir burial vault.
- In 2017, our Branch had 51 members, a decrease of 5 members from the previous year. We do hope to increase our membership in 2018. Please help us by completing the 2018 membership renewal (page 7) and mailing it with your cheque to our Membership Chair, Adelaide Lanktree UE.
Branch Concerns:
- Our main concern is not only increasing our membership, but also finding new members to join and participate actively on the Branch Executive. Progress was made in 2017 as we now have a new member on the Executive. We do hope that others will consider joining the Branch Executive. Michel Racicot, President.
As the New Year approaches us, we wish all of you a Wonderful 2018. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support and friendship over the years. Happy New Year!
Annual fees for the year 2018 are due by 20 December 2017!
UELAC Membership
Individual Membership $40
Family membership $55.00Second-Branch Membership
Individual Membership $10.00
Family membership $15.00Please send payment to:
Adelaide Lanktree,
140 Principale Ouest, Farnham
Québec, J2N 1KClick here to download PDF version of Membership form.
- 5 August 2017
Summer Events
Picnic with Brome County Historical Society
on the Museum Grounds
130 Lakeside, Knowlton, QC
Picnic at 12 noon
In 2017, Sir John Johnson Centennial Branch is celebrating its 50th Anniversary and Brome County Historical Society, its 120th. For this special year, our Branch Annual UEL Picnic will be held with Brome County Historical Society's Picnic on Saturday, 5 August 2017.
Bring your lunch and lawn chair. Rain or shine, we will have the picnic.
To celebrate this anniversary, a special feature will be presented on the Museum Grounds at 11 a.m.
Home Child
A play by Laura Teasdale
Home Child is a play inspired by a true story of the Townships’ forgotten past. Played by two actors, it will be performed outdoors. Everyone is welcome.
- 15 August 2017
Day Trip to Williamstown, Ontario
On this Day Trip to Williamstown, we will be greeted by “local historians” and visiting historic buildings:
- The Glengarry Nor'westers & Loyalist Museum
- St. Andrew's United Church
- Bethune Thompson House
- Sir John Johnson House (the house is under renovation but the exterior and grounds are visitor ready)
Interested in a guided tour of Williamstown, please give us your name before July 15. Depending on the number of people coming, we will be travelling either by minibus or bus. The cost for this day trip will be very affordable. More details coming at a later date.
- 29 October 2016
2016 Semi Annual General Meeting
A reminder that it is with great pleasure that we invite you to a “Late Breakfast” followed by our Semi-Annual General Meeting that we be held Saturday, 29 October 2016, at the Restaurant O Patio, 601 du Sud Street, in Cowansville. Arrival time 11:30 am.
We are looking forward to your participation.
- June 2016
Members and guests of Sir John Johnson Centennial Branch enjoyed two very special occasions in June 2016. First, our 49th Annual General Meeting and Luncheon was held on Saturday, 11 June at the Lakeview Inn “one of Québec’s most prestigious and charming historical inns”, located in Knowlton, Québec. During the luncheon, a special ceremony took place to recognize and thank three important partners of our Branch. You will find our report on page 2.
Second, a special plaque unveiling ceremony honouring Sir John’s service in the War of 1812 took place at the Johnson Family Burial Vault in Mont-Saint- Grégoire on 23 June. You can read about this special ceremony on page 4.
Upcoming Events
Looking ahead, there will be one more important Branch activity this summer, our Annual Picnic on Saturday, 20 August. Again this year, we have been in- vited by our Branch 2nd VP Marven Beattie to his home, the ViewMount House in Dunham. All are invited. More information on page 8.
Looking further ahead, our Branch will be present at Townshippers’ Day which will be held again this year on the Brome fairgrounds on 17 September. Then in October or early November at the latest, we will hold our semi-annual general meeting. More details about this meeting will be sent to you at a later date.
Since 2010 with 94 members, our membership had been decreasing every year reaching, hopefully, a low last year with 53 members. In 2016, we have 56 members as of July, with five more months to go. Let’s try to increase that number before the end of the year. I am counting on all of you.
Michel Racicot
- 29 October 2016
Notice of Annual General Meeting
Finally winter is behind us and summer has already showed its colors. It is time to invite you to our 49th Annual General Meeting. To be held at the Lakeview Inn “one of Quebec’s most prestigious and charming historical Inns” at 50 Victoria Street Knowlton, Quebec
Date and Time:
- Saturday, June 11th 2016
- Registration: 11:30 AM
- Luncheon: 12:00 Noon
- Business Meeting: 2:00 PM
- $20.00 (wine included) for Branch members
- $30.00 (wine included) for non-members
Click here to download PDF of meeting invitation.
- December 2016
Branch President’s Report
There have been a number of items of interest throughout this year:
- Our Branch was well represented at Heritage Branch Spring Dinner held on April 22nd. Members Adelaide Lanktree, Louise Hall, Michel Racicot and I enjoyed their hospitality and a very nice dinner.
- In May, we submitted the Johnson Burial Vault Restoration for the Prix du mérite patrimo- nial Fleur bleue. Although we did not win an award, we were among the finalists.
- On June 20th, we had our Annual General Meeting at the All Saint Anglican Church Hall, in Dunham, Quebec.
- On August 6th, some of our members had a very enjoyable Picnic at ViewMount House, in Dunham, home of our 2nd Vice President Marven Beattie.
- Then on August 15th, several members participated at the Paul Holland Knowlton Day, held at the Brome County Historical Society Museum. The highlight of this event was celebrating the success of the restoration of the house of Paul Holland Knowlton, founder of Knowlton and grandson of Loyalist Luke Knowlton.
- On September 12th, members Michel Racicot, Adelaide Lanktree and I participated at Townshippers’ Day held at Brome Village, Quebec.
- On October 28th, Past President Roderick Riordon, 2nd Vice President Michel Racicot and I represented the Branch at the Heritage Branch Charter Night Dinner.
Branch Project and Concern:
- The Upkeep of Sir John Johnson Burial Vault
The restoration of the burial vault of Sir John Johnson and of members of his family was completed in 2014. It had been our priority project for many years. From now on, our Branch new project will be promoting this historic place and maintaining the site’s integrity. - Increasing our membership
In recent years our Branch membership has been decreasing. Probably our biggest challenge in the present and near future is finding ways to attract new members. Memberships are the lifeblood of our association. We need to find ways to increase our membership. Any ideas? We are counting on all of you to help us increase active participation in our branch’s activities.
- 6 August 2015
Annual UEL Picnic
Thursday ViewMount House
2240, Chemin Beattie (Road) Dunham
12:00 (Noon)Bring a picnic lunch and a lawn chair.
We hope for good weather and a good turn out and look forward to seeing you there. All are welcome. However... In case of rain, the picnic will be cancelled.
Download a PDF with driving directions by clicking here.
- 28 June 2015
Invitation to Fred Gilman’s Summer Picnic
Fred Gilman’s Picnic will be held by the Veterans Coalition of Vermont – MBA, MOA, MOWW & AFA and hosted by ROA.
At the Gilman home on Lake Champlain, 1720 Gilman Street, Clarenceville, Quebec Directions: On Route 202, between Clarenceville and Venise-en-Québec, take Lakeshore Road (going south). Continue to Street 2 (rue 2), turn left and go to Gilman Street.
Price: $15.00
Please make cheque payable to Fred Gilman
Give your name, phone number and total of your party planning to attend, and mail to Fred Gilman, 9 Rix Ave. Bedford J0J 1A0
For more information, you can reach Fred Gilman at 450-294-2651 or 450-248-3341
Notice of Annual General Meeting
Finally winter is behind us and summer has already showed its colors. It is time to invite you to our 48th Annual General Meeting.
Saturday, June 20th 2015
At 11:30 AM for lunch at 12:00 Noon
To be held at All Saints Anglican Church3829 Principale Street Dunham, Quebec
Guest Speaker: Michel Racicot, Topic: A revisit of the Re-Consecration Ceremony of the Johnson Family Burial Vault
Topic: News from the UELAC
Lunch: $20.00 per person - wine included (See menu on page 7 of 2015 Spring Newsletter)
- 2014 Winter
2014 in Review
2014 was an exciting year for both UELAC and Sir John Johnson Centennial Branch. UELAC celebrated its 100th Anniversary and as part of its celebration presented Sir John Johnson Centennial Branch with a donation which greatly aided in the restoration of the Sir John Johnson Burial Vault on Mont Saint-Grégoire, formerly Mount Johnson.
The Re-Consecration Ceremony of the Johnson Burial Vault was held on Saturday, 23 August 2014.
A commemorative book “Loyally Yours 100 years of the UELAC” was compiled and published by Frederick H. Hayward, UELAC 2014 Centennial Chair, and each branch member received a UELAC 100 Year pin.
Saturday, June 14, 2014, saw members and visitors gather at the Legion Hall in Philipsburg for the Branch Annual Meeting. Prior to the meeting a delicious roast beef dinner, prepared by the members of the Legion was enjoyed by all. Robert Wilkins said Grace, Okill Stuart proposed a Toast to the Queen and following the meal, Edwina Jenne Bougie thanked the members of the Legion for the meal on behalf of the members. President Gerald Thomas welcomed everyone, especially Robert and Moira Wilkins and Okill and Sylvia Stuart from Montreal and three from the USA, Bill Glidden, Gene Hicks and Linden Witherall. Wesley Larocque presented the flag and Robert Wilkins led the members in the singing of God Save the Queen. In the absence of a Secretary, Adelaide Lanktree volunteered to be Secretary.
Evelyn Lewis
Also in the Autumn 2014 Newsletter:
- Sir John Johnson Centennial Branch Annual Meeting
- Louise Hall and Adelaide Lanktree, Marion Phelps Award recipients
- Ceremony of the burial of the remains of Sir John Johnson
- Adelaide Lanktree, Outstanding Townshipper Award recipient
- In Memoriam - Agnes Mary Riordon - member of Sir John Johnson Centennial Branch
- Sir John Johnson Centennial Branch Executive
- 2015 Membership Renewal
- June 2014
Re-Consecration Ceremony of the Johnson Burial Vault
Dear Members and Friends of Sir John Johnson Centennial Branch UELAC,
Since 1998, the restoration of the burial site of Sir John Johnson has been the top priority of our Branch. We are glad to report that the restoration is now completed.
The Re-Consecration Ceremony of the Johnson Burial Vault will be held on Saturday, 23 August 2014. You will find attached the invitation and information for the ceremony.
You are all invited to the ceremony.
Michel Racicot, Genealogist
Sir John Johnson Centennial BranchThe ceremony will be followed at 1:30 p.m. by a cold buffet which will be served at the nearby Vergers & Cidrerie Denis Charbonneau at an all-inclusive cost of $20 per guest. Those interested in participating are requested to RSVP and make payment to Mrs. Adelaide Lanktree before August 10, 2014.
Thank you!
Notice of Annual General Meeting
It is time to invite you to our 47th Annual General Meeting.
Saturday, June 14th, 2014
At 11:30 AM for lunch at 12:00 Noon
To be held at the Royal Canadian Legion HallMontgomery St, Philipsburg (St. Armand), QC
Notice of Annual General Meeting
Finally winter is behind us and summer is already showing its colors. It is time to invite you to our 46th Annual General Meeting.
Saturday, June 15th 2013
At 11:30 AM for lunch at 12:00 Noon
To be held at the Royal Canadian Legion HallMontgomery St, Philipsburg (St. Armand), QC
Guest Speaker: Roy Lewis, Vice-President Central East Region UELAC
Topic: News from the UELAC
Lunch: $16.00 per person (wine included, see menu on page 7 of newsletter)
- 7 August 2012
Annual UEL Picnic
7 August 2012–Tuesday
11:00am at Missisquoi Museum, Stanbridge East, QC
Program (PDF)
- Bring a picnic lunch and a lawn chair.
- We hope for good weather and a good turn out and look forward to seeing you there. All are welcome. In case of rain, the art gallery will be set up for us to use.
- We will have plenty of time for a leisurely afternoon picnic and touring the museum. The current exhibit at the museum is The War of 1812 at Missisquoi Bay.
- The price of entry for those who wish to visit the museum will be $8.00 for non- members and free for those who are members of the Missisquoi Museum.
Picnic Area:
- There are picnic tables on site
- June 16th 2012
Notice of Annual General Meeting
Saturday, June 16th 2012
At 11:30 AM for lunch at 12:00 Noon
To be held at the Royal Canadian Legion HallMontgomery St, Philipsburg (St. Armand), QC
Guest Speaker: Robert C. McBride, UELAC President
Topic: Mr. McBride will speak about the exploits of his ancestor, John DeCew in the War of 1812
Lunch: $18.00 per person (wine included)
Please reserve by June 10th with:
Adelaide: Email
Telephone: (450) 293-6342
Linda: Email
Telephone: (450) 306-1096Payment may be made at the door but please remember that we must pay for the number of places we reserve.
- 18 August 2011–Thursday
Annual UEL Picnic
11:30am at Fort Chambly, Chambly QC
Photo : © Fort Chambly National Historic Site of CanadaProgram (PDF)
- Bring a picnic lunch and a lawn chair
- We hope for good weather and a good turn out and look forward to seeing you there. All are welcome. However... in case of rain, the picnic will be cancelled.
Fort Chambly National Historic Site (Parks Canada)
Directions: Official Website | Google Maps and Information
- Highway 10 (Eastern Townships Autoroute):
- Exit 22 (Chambly - Saint-Jean-sur-le-Richelieu);
- Follow Chambly direction; it will lead you to Fréchette Blvd.
- At the end of Fréchette Blvd, turn right on Bourgogne St.
- The fort will be on your left not too far after the bridge.
- There are 2 parking lots (P1) and (P2).
- To have an easy access to the picnic area go to Parking No 2 (P2)
In Chambly, there are road signs indicating the fort’s location.
Picnic Area:
- The new picnic area offers 14 tables at your disposal inside the fort’s marvelous park.
- Please note there are no shelters in case of rain.
The parking lot and the picnic area are FREE.
But there are entry fees to visit the Fort:Daily Adult $ 5.65 Senior $ 4.90 Youth $ 2.90 Family/Group $ 14.20 If you have any questions, please contact either:
Rod: Email - (450) 295-2382
Adelaide: Email - (450) 293-6342
- Spring 2011
2011: UELAC 2014 Centennial Project Update. Now available online and in PDF format.
Spring 2011 News
Unfortunately, we have had to increase the dues for 2011, but only enough to cover the increase voted at the 2010 UELAC Annual General Meeting last June to cover rising costs. The Dominion per capita fees are now $40.00 for individuals and $55.00 per couple. Our Branch fees remain unchanged at $2.50 per person, making the total that you have to pay: $42.50 for individuals and $60.00 per couple.
Fall Meeting
Sunday, 3 October 2010
To be held at Holy Trinity Church, Iron Hill Road, Iron Hill
- 11:00am : Church Service
- 1:00pm : Hot Lunch in the Church Hall
Lunch is $17.00 - 2:00pm : Semi-Annual Meeting
Guest speaker: Matthew Farfan
Please reserve by the 25th of September
- 29 May 2010–Saturday
Annual General Meeting
12 noon at Philipsburg Legion Hall - Philipsburg, QC
Program- Guest Speaker: Michel Racicot
Genealogist, Sir John Johnson Centennial Branch
President, Cowansville Historical Society
Topic: Brome-Missisquoi-Perkins Hospital
1910-2010 - 100 years of caring - Lunch: $16.00 per person
- Guest Speaker: Michel Racicot
- 19 August 2010–Thursday
Annual UEL Picnic
11:30am at St. Ignace de Stanbridge (Mystic), QC
Program- Bring a picnic lunch and a lawn chair
- Admission is free for Missisquoi Museum members and $10.00 for non members.
- We hope for good weather and a good turn out and look forward to seeing you there. In case of rain, the picnic will be cancelled.
If you have any questions, please contact either:
Rod: Email - (450) 295-2382
Adelaide: Email - (450) 293-6342
- 25 October 2009–Sunday
Fall Meeting
Emmanuel United Church 12 Noon - Sunday, 25 October 2009
203 rue Principale, CowansvilleProgram
Church Service at 10:30 AM
Hot lunch in Church Hall at 12:00 noon
The lunch is $20.00
Please reserve by 19 OctoberSemi-Annual Meeting at 1:30 PM
Guest Speaker: Mark Jodoin, Author of
"Shadow Soldiers of the American Revolution"
TOPIC: "How I spent my Summer Vacation"
For reservations or information, please contact either:
Email: Adelaide
Telephone: (450) 293-6342
Email: Linda
Telephone: (450) 306-1096
Fees for 2010 are due on or before December 15 2009!
UELAC Membership
Individual Membership $37.50
Family membership $55.00
Second-Branch Membership
Individual Membership $10.00
Family membership $15.00
Please send payment to:
Ms. Louise Hall,
140 rue Principale ouest,
Farnham, QC J2N 1K6
Click here to download PDF version of Membership form.
- 19 August 2009–Wednesday
Annual UEL Picnic
Brome Lake Historical Society - 11:30AM - Wednesday, 19 August 2009
130 Lakeside Knowlton
Bring a picnic lunch and a lawn chair
We hope for good weather and a good turn out and look forward to seeing you there.
However... in case of rain, the picnic will be cancelled.
If you have any questions please contact either:
Email: Rod
Telephone: (450) 295-2382
Email: Adelaide
Telephone: (450) 293-6342
- 27 June 2009–Saturday
Sir JJC Branch AGM
Lunch followed by Annual Meeting
Philipsburg Legion Hall 11:30 AM for Noon
Guest speaker: Robert McBride, UE
UEL Vice President for Central East Region & Editor of Loyalist Gazette
Lunch Price: $15.00 per person
For reservations contact:
Email: Adelaide
Telephone: (450) 293-6342
Email: Linda
Telephone: (450) 242-2793 - 11-14 June 2009
UELAC Annual Meeting at Napanee Ontario
Napanee Ontario - 2 November 2008 –Sunday
Fall Meeting at Granby United Church
101 Principale at Dufferin, Granby, QC
11:00 AM - Church Service
12:30 PM - Lunch in Church Hall, $12.00
Please reserve by October 27th
Contact: Adelaide (450) 293-6342, Email: Adelaide
OR: Rod (450) 295-2382, Email: Rod2:00 PM – Semi-Annual Meeting
Guest speaker: Heather Darch, Missisquoi Museum.
“The Brotherhood of Cogniac Street”If you need help with transportation, call us.
- 17 August 2008 – Sunday
- Picnic at home of Adelaide Lanktree and Louise Hall
140 Principale West, Farnham, Quebec – 11:30 AM
Parking at Imprimerie Farnham Inc., 180 Principale West.
Bring your lunch & lawn chairs & bathing suit if you wish to use the pool
N.B. The meeting coincides with Heritage Day in Farnham and offers the chance to visit some of the exhibits
celebrating 150 years of the railroad in Farnham.
Questions?Contact – Adelaide: (450) 293-6342 Adelaide
Or – Rod: (450) 295-2382 Rod - 10-13 July 2008
- Annual UELAC Conference to be held in Saint John New Brunswick (Information)
- 21 June 2008
- McCaw, Jean Darrah – Memorial Service
Friends and family are invited to a celebration of the life of the late Jean Darrah McCaw on Saturday, June 21, 2008, 2 p.m. at Grace Anglican Church, Sutton, QC. (Map)
A reception will follow in the Church Hall. - 7 June 2008 - Saturday
- Annual General Meeting
At the Royal Canadian Legion Hall,
200 Montgomery, Philipsburg, Quebec (Map)
Gather at 11:30 AM for roast beef lunch served at noon. Cost $15.00
Meeting to follow:
Speaker, Lorraine Gosselin, U.E. will talk about Christian Wehr
For Reservations:
Phone Adelaide: (450) 293-6342
E-mail: Adelaide
Obituary of Jean Darrah McCaw
The Sir John Johnson Centennial branch of the U.E.L.A.C. are mourning the loss of one of their most loyal and dedicated members, Mrs. Jean McCaw, who passed away suddenly at her home in Sutton, Quebec on February 4th, 2008. Jean was born in Sutton in 1921, educated there and then continued her education to graduate as a registed nurse from the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Montreal, Quebec. Jean was married to the late Sydney McCaw who predeceased her in 1992. She leaves to mourn her passing 4 children, 9 grandchildren, 12 great grandchildren and a sister.
Jean and her husband returned to Sutton after their retirement and joined the Sir John Johnson Centennial Branch in 1982. Jean was a regular documented member, descended from Loyalist Adam Best, and soon after joining took on the duties of the branch genealogist. An office that she diligently carried out until the fall of 2007 when due to diminishing eye sight she reluctantly resigned from the post. A large number of the branch members, as well as those of the beginning of Little Forks branch, owe their documentation to Jean's dedicated research.
To celebrate the Bicentennial of the settlement of United Empire Loyalists in the Eastern Townships of Quebec, the branch undertook to create a book , which was a collection of articles recording the history of these Loyalists. Jean was one of the most active participants in this project, and the book, 'Loyalists of the Eastern Townships " was published in 1984.
On June 8, 2001, Heritage Branch invested Jean as a ' Companion of the Most Honourable Order of Meritorious Heritage' in recognition of her contribution to the United Empire Loyalist Association.
Jean was active in her Community and Sutton's Grace Anglican Church, as well as a dedicated volunteer at the Brome County Historical Society in Knowlton, Quebec. Her guiding hand and advice will be greatly missed by her friends in the Sir John Johnson Centennial branch .
A Memorial Service at Grace Anglican Church will be held later in the Spring.
Phyllis Hamilton