June 12, 2019 – Loyalist Day in Kingston – was a lovely sunny day, just perfect for raising the Loyalist Flag on the City of Kingston flagpole.
Our thanks to the Fort Henry Guard Fife and Drum Unit, who led the procession from City Hall to Confederation Park to the stirring tune of “British Grenadiers”. They also played “God Save the Queen” for us all to sing along, after the flag was raised.

Mayor Bryan Paterson read the official proclamation of June 12th as Loyalist Day in Kingston, prior to the flag being raised by a city employee.
Mayor Paterson graciously gave us a few more minutes, so he could present a Loyalist Certificate to member Karen Stinson, who recently completed the documentation to prove her descent from Loyalist Michael Davy. Davy settled in the village of Bath in Ernestown Township in Lennox & Addington County to the west of Kingston.