Welcome to Kawartha Branch, UELAC
The Kawartha Branch and its members have a common interest in Canadian history, with a strong focus on the United Empire Loyalists, those people who remained loyal to the British during the American Revolution and who came to Canada during and immediately following that war. These refugees represented the first significant number of European settlers who came to our land in the parts of Quebec west of Montreal. They caused the split of Quebec into Lower and Upper Canada, the latter becoming the Province of Ontario at a later time. They and their descendants made enormous contributions to the development of the Ontario we know today.
A secondary focus is the genealogy of the Loyalists, as all descendants are eligible to use the post-nominal UE after their names. To help those who are interested in proving their loyalist descent in order to earn a Loyalist certificate which many people frame and display proudly, the Kawartha Branch has several members who have developed genealogical expertise and who are willing to direct and assist those who wish to explore their family histories.
Through our newsletter, branch meetings in the Peterborough area, special events, displays at and participation in heritage and genealogical events, the Kawartha Branch helps interested people and members network and share their interest in history and genealogy.
Whether you live locally or at some distance, as a number of our members do, whether your family is long-time Canadian or newly arrived, join us and share in our rich Canadian heritage.
Located in the heart of the Kawartha Lakes region of Ontario, Kawartha Branch, is one of 27 branches of the United Empire Loyalists' Association of Canada. In the following pages - see the directory to the left - you will find information about the United Empire Loyalists, the Association, our Branch and more. If you have any questions, please contact one of our Executive members.

Feb. 21, 2024: Passing of a Past President
It is with deep sadness that we inform you of the passing of one of our founding charter Members of Kawartha Branch UELAC, Jack Brownscombe, UE.
Read a six-page obituary with photos.
Nov. 5, 2023: Passing of a Past President
It is with deep sadness that we wish to inform you that one of our Kawartha Branch UELAC Past Presidents, Doreen M. Thompson, UE, passed away on November 3, 2023.
Read a six-page obituary incorporating photos along with remarks from her children and UELAC members.